Govt. of India has declared 23rd day of August as National Space Day(NSpD) to commemorate the success of Chandrayaan 3 Mission with the landing of Vikram Lander and deployment of Pragyan Rover on the lunar surface on August 23, 2023. ISRO has planned to celebrate first anniversary of this successful mission across the country. Programmes are being conducted in each State by various teams of ISRO community. The objective of this celebration is to inspire students, teachers and general public across India to know about Space Technology and its Applications. This is also to inspire students to take interest and get into this exiting field of Space Science and Technology and reap the rich benefits. This will enable young minds to inculcate the spirit scientific temperament and also take up career in the field of Space Technology. As part of this programme U R Rao Satellite Centre(URSC), Bengaluru is conducting events following events: (a) NSpD-2024 Programme at Patna, Bihar in association with LPSC, Bengaluru, Bihar Council of Science and Technology, Patna and Birla Institute of Technology, Patna (b) An Open day at URSC to demonstrate Space technologies and applications for registered students, teachers and general public (c) An on-line competition "Creating a Poster on Space Technology and Applications” to enable each and every Space enthusiasts across the country to be part of NSpD - 2024 Celebration.